21 Jan Importance of Creating Memories
Memories Are Timeless Treasures Of the Heart
Need of fond memories
Memories should be fondly cherished. Making happy and fond memories with your kids will give them a sense of purpose outside of the usual homework and extra activities. Kids will be able to cherish these times forever, regardless of what happens later on in life. Happy childhood memories are essential to a child’s developing brain. Memories not only take you back to experiences that hold meaning, but it is a complex cognitive ability that is important in many aspects of thinking & learning. We as caregivers should help kids to create lifetime memories. These childhood memories when looked back give strength and a sense of belonging during challenging times. In the struggle of life, it’s these little memories that will last a lifetime.
Children should be able to count on their past memories of love & security to tide over any crisis.
Walking Down The Memory Lane
Small little activities with kids will give you more time to relax and bond with your little one. Sit with your little one with some photographs of your latest trip, some event, birthday party, or any other family celebration. Spend time with each of the photographs and try to recollect the activities, you may ask or share any special moment or incident that had happened on that particular day. This activity of walking down the memory lane will bring a sweet smile to your faces and will help develop a better bond. It is often said and found that people having fond memories of childhood, specifically their relationships with their parents, tend to have better health, fewer chronic illnesses as older adults.
Creating Lasting Memories
It is essential for a healthy & a happy life to have fond and lasting memories. A good life is a collection of happy memories. Let the kids have more ‘n’ more of them. Kids while playing and spending time with their loved ones are building memories. For them, it is a moment of fun & enjoyment which could work as a source of energy or a booster dose for them to come out of their daily hectic & mundane routine later. Let us help them get the maximum of these memories with their parents, family, siblings & friends. The best part is you need not spend a lot of money to make happy memories with your kids. Memories can be created through these low-cost activities too:
- Just move outside the house; and there is so much to do with your champ- sit in the garden and observe the beauty of nature, toss around the football, play some friendly games.
- Organise pool parties with cousins.
- Gardening is a good option.
- Do a scavenger hunt. Mom & Dad can make the list while kids can find the goodies.
- Arrange for some outdoor fun games with your child’s friends.
- Cook up some fun- by making some desserts or pretty-looking drinks.
- Explore some local/ nearby parks.
- Break into some board games.
Re-calling Golden Memories & Creating New Ones
If you were to close your eyes and remember a few of your fond memories of your childhood- you would remember your mother cooking your favourite food, running to your friends’ house in the neighbourhood, dad getting you some little surprises while coming back home, your simple but all-time favourite birthday party at home with friends. Do you really remember what gifts you get for your birthday? Not really- because what we remember is not the material objects but the feelings & emotions connected with them. We remember the experience of playing with our friends, cousins, siblings and the feeling it created within us. Let us pass on this culture of treasuring the memories to our kids, by creating memorable moments with them.
There are times when due to our hectic schedules coupled with increased disposable income, we try to buy more material possessions for our children and spend less time on experiences.
However, we as parents need to understand that it is not these possessions what kids are looking for, but they are looking forward to the time spent with them. This time spent with them will create long-lasting memories and it is the feeling captured through these experiences that will remain forever in their minds & hearts.
Simple Yet Impactful
Kids love surprises just as we adults do. Plan something for these little munchkins and make them feel special; it could be as small as dropping or picking them up from school, calling their friends for a playdate, taking them out for a drive or dinner, leaving notes in their lunch boxes and other similar little things.
Family vacations tend to last the longest in the memories. You can remember a few of yours and share them with your children. Involve the time spent with them as an extension to your childhood memories.
You should try to create memories that will make kids look back at their childhood with fondness. When we make experiences a part of our daily routine, we ensure that we are creating memories & moments that bring us closer to our loved ones. Spending time with family members should be made part of one’s daily routine.
Time spent together before bed is usually the most memorable one for kids. A little cuddle and sweet kisses work as a cherry on the cake. Kids should be made to understand the fact that gadgets are not the source of life time happiness, they come with a cost.
No one’s childhood is perfect. As parents, all we can do is try to be there for our children as best we can and create a loving environment for them to grow and develop into happy, capable and empathetic adults.
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