Our overall development and performance depend on our lifestyle and habits, sleep being a critical aspect of it. It takes commitment and discipline throughout life to make sleep and health a priority. We must help children understand their body starting in their early years, and...

The ‘Sound of Music’ theme was a rare adaptation for learners attempting to learn new rhymes. We took an old classic and transformed it into a new musical theory to make it a stimulating experience. It was essential to bring its understanding to the child’s...

Sleep, a magical word - a necessity for all, and scarcity for parents. We all need sleep. Without enough sleep we all get cranky (even kids), and with time, unhealthy. Regularity and routine are the two regulators of healthy sleep. Sleep is regulated by our...

Growing up, we have all heard this line or context or something similar that suggests that play is a reward! We grew up listening to anecdotes and stories of play and frolic and adventures from our elders, and most importantly, their life lessons through their...

Parents would agree that knowing a foreign language proves to be an advantage in a professional career. However they wonder, is it necessary to introduce foreign language learning in the pre-school curriculum? In this blog, we will explain why we start to teach a language...

The teepee tent, replicating a fairytale zone, embellished with colorful balloons and ribbons. As children enter the whistling willows into the magical land of their favorite fairy tales, the animal soft toys joined their world of magical tales of fairies, princes, toads, and elves read...

It is time to fly through the Toy Blocks’ new adventure - The Land of Elves & Fairy! Once upon a time, our little angels flew through the magical land of whims and imagination. They frolicked with the whimsical miniature townsfolk, added magic to their...

Don’t worry that children never listen to you; worry that they are always watching you! During a family trip to the grocery store, a child throws a loud tantrum in the middle of the aisle, and parents immediately flush red. They’re embarrassed about the ill-...

Give yourself permission to be a gloriously imperfect parent and your child permission to be a gloriously imperfect child. Rahul and Isha are working parents who are parents to a 2-year-old, Shivam. Since the pandemic, they have been working from home, online, and attending phone...

Our little paleontologists were in full swing to readily get their hands and feet on the dinosaur exploration and excavation. Created for diverse and meaningful play, activities were for children to explore and excavate together. The park was a completely immersive experience for the kids...